Welcome from the NCSAM Chapter President
We are living in a transformative time in Addiction Medicine. Our country is experiencing an unprecedented need for addiction prevention, screening, and treatment at a time when our traditional treatment methods are being challenged. As Addiction Specialists, we possess a fiery passion that allows us to embrace this new era and seize the opportunities for discovery, innovation, and growth. We are uniquely poised to impact our society by providing life-saving treatment to the communities we serve, enhancing the understanding of addiction and addiction treatment with our community partners, and influencing state and national policies that will improve access to services. Over the recent years, we’ve experienced tragedy and sadness with the increase in overdose deaths and we’ve not only persevered but broke glass ceilings that led to legislative change. What an amazing time to be an Addiction Specialist!
Over this coming year, the focus of NC SAM will be to invigorate our membership statewide and invite suggestions for new strategies. Our actions will support a culture of fostering diversity, equity, and inclusiveness, both in our membership and in the communities we serve. We have the responsibility and opportunity to interface across disciplines, including our community leaders and state agencies. I am humbled by the opportunity to lead this organization and welcome your interest.
Michael Baca-Atlas, MD